Originally written for BBC 2 tv the album develops the themes further and was released in 2007.
Features collaborations with Steve Hillage of System 777, Banco de Gaia and Guy Evans of Van Der Graaf Generator. Original art Pete Loveday. The music moves through acoustic, trance and dance genres and is a powerful collage. Turn the volume up! Further info see web site pages.
1. planet for sale – Mazlyn Jones 24 secs
2. in need of renovation – Mazlyn/Bliss Mix 5m 42s
3. keep the garden beautiful – System 7 remix by Steve Hillage 8m 17s
4. breathe a little life – Banco De Gaia remix 6m 4s
5. a wing and a prayer – Guy Evans/Mazlyn remix 7m 3s
6. doctors’ orders – Mazlyn/Halden Mix 9m 56s
7. only passing through – Mazlyn/Acock Mix 9m 15s
8. planet for sale – Mazlyn Jones 2m 4s
Quote from sleeve notes
JOHN MUIR- The first conservationist – 1884
” When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands, flying through space with the other stars, all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty.
This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapour is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn as the round earth rolls.”
Review by Paul Russell Author and Rock archivist of Yes, Peter Gabriel, VDGG and many others
‘The new album Planet for $ale opens with a simple vocal over a clay pot rhythm. “who’ll give us a dollar for a dead old globe?” a good question and while you think of the answer the first of the sequencer heavy mixes kicks off and leads the album on a winding pulsating journey.
On the System 7 remix legendary guitar guru Steve Hillage drops you right in the middle of the dance tent at Glastonbury “Keep the Garden Beautiful”. Banco De Gaia get all percussive and dark with “Breathe a Little Life” and then the Guy Evans/ Mazlyn Jones mix is as expected drum heavy as Evans whips up a storm at the kit while NMJ threatens with some dark growling guitar lines. Its one of the albums most effective pieces.
Another highlight is the NMJ /Keith Halden mix “Doctor’s Orders”. On this almost 10 min epic some seriously heavy electric guitar is unleashed amid a stop start rhythm which benefits from being played at full volume and is quite startling in its power. The NMJ/John Acock mix “Only Passing Through” slows things right down with the help of some mellow piano courtesy of Margaret Phillips, before a rare but forceful appearance from the infamous 12 string.’
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